Crawlers, a young band emerging from Merseyside since their inception in 2018, embody the ethos of authenticity and courageously address challenging themes. Their debut mixtape, "Loud Without Noise," skyrocketed to success last November, coinciding with a string of sold-out headline shows across the UK. Their music, characterised by a gritty, grunge-inspired sound, resonates deeply with their peers and transcends generational boundaries.

What truly distinguishes Crawlers is their genuine approach to navigating the online sphere. They utilize their platform to create a supportive environment, particularly for marginalized communities such as young people and the LGBTQ+ community. Their commitment to fostering inclusivity and pushing boundaries extends beyond their music, as exemplified by their latest single, "That Time Of Always," which continues to showcase their dedication to artistic innovation and social advocacy.

Our Favourite Songs

  • Come Over Again

    EP - 2021

    A compelling exploration of longing and vulnerability set against a backdrop of gritty, grunge-infused rock.

  • Kiss Me

    The Mess We Seem To Make - 2024

    A song of raw emotion that touches on themes of longing and desire (with some fun little guitar riffs.)

  • Messiah

    Song - 2023

    This song invites you to explore the complexities of identity and the search for purpose.